New Ways to See - A

3 min read

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             Hi Everyone, I thought I would re-enter my writing mode by presenting parts of a couple of mini sermons that I gave some time ago. Here is the first:                                                     

 Ants and Christians


     As promised let me present to you know my little sermon on the ants. I like to take regular walks daily and I have my regular paths I take. Well this sermon contains a true series of observations I made about a certain colony of ants whom had their ant hill next to the sidewalk where I regularly walked, Okay, about two weeks ago as I was walking along this sidewalk on my way back home, I noticed that someone had dropped a piece of, "hunter's sausage" on that concrete sidewalk. I left it there and went on my way, figuring some needy animal would come along and snatch it up.

         As it turns out, I was right, but not in the way I would have thought, as you will see. Day after day, the sausage remained. As a reminder to add a little drama it was quite warm outside. After a couple of days I noticed the troop of ants going back and forth from the grass to the sausage but with no visible signs of them taking meat from it. Also by then there was a ring of dead grass that formed around the entire sausage. Now my curiosity was peaked. The next couple of days and multiple observations later, there was still no visible signs that the meat was attacked. Then on the following day, I thought that the meat was going bad. I knew then if I threw it on the grass, nature’s natural garbage disposal units would come into play: such as beetles, and grubs. So I picked up a scrap piece of road paper and then picked up the sausage to move it. It was then I got the shock that only God's nature can provide.

        First of all the grass turned out to be an engineering feat by the ants designed to elevate the sausage off the cement of the sidewalk. Then they had indeed been attacking the meat as could be seen by the multiple holes on the bottom of the sausage that faced the cement. The army traffic I saw was carrying the meat back to the colony.

        So what can be gleamed by this information? First of all, the attacking point was made under the meat to avoid the heat of the day while working and because the meat under the sausage would have remained fresher and softer longer. The grass elevation project was only possible by mutual cooperation among the ants. Now It is perfectly clear to me that they know the Christian principle which is taught by our Lord Jesus in Mark 9:35 and Matthew 20:26, that those to be first would be last and to be servants. Second thing which is also clear we can learn a lot about what Christian fellowship should be like when we observe the behavior of ants. SELAH!

God Bless you all and Stay Tuned.



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